GreenListDC Blog

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Get a few bucks for your old tech gadgets

If you received some new gadgets this holiday season and are wondering what to do with the old ones, a recent Washington Post article has the answer.

There are two Web sites that will buy your old gadget -- cell phones, laptops, PlayStations and more. You type in info about the gadget and the sites calculate how much they'll pay you for it. Then they either refurbish it and resell it, or recycle it.

The sites are: and Even if they won't pay you for the gadget -- if it's worth $0 -- they'll still recycle it. Gazelle claims that 80 percent of the items it buys get reused. For each item you send them to recycle, YouRenew let's you choose how they contribute to a better environment: You can ask them to give towards domestic renewable energy production or plant one tree.

So, if you got a new cell phone for the holidays and still have your old one, check out these sites and let that gadget get reused!

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Which de-icer is best environmentally?

Recently I wrote a short article, "Making Green Choices During the Holidays," for the Bethesda Green site. It contains some things you might have heard before -- real trees are better environmentally than artificial trees, LED holiday lights are better than incandescents -- but I also included some things I just learned, such as how the U.S. Postal Service now offers eco-friendly packaing. In fact, they are the first shipping company to use Cradle-to-Cradle certified packaging.

One thing I didn't cover in the story is eco-friendly de-icer/snow melt stuff. This became important during the last few days, thanks to the Blizzard of 2009.

Strosnider's in Bethesda usually has a variety of de-icing products, plus a flyer explaining the plusses and minuses of each -- including which ones are best for plants and pets (and thus the environment). This year they only had one kind for sale: Natural Alternative, from a local company in Frederick, Md. They claim it is safe for plants and grass, because it doesn't contain high amounts of calcium or sodium, even though it has some of both.

Meredith at B'More Green mentioned some other safe ice melters, and her colleague Tim thinks wood chips and sand (in moderation) are better.

What do you use? What's best environmentally?

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Green events calendar for December in DC

It's always better late than never with this blog! But I know some people do read this and even click on the links -- so here goes.

Dec. 9-10: EcoBuild America
The Washington Convention Center hosts EcoBuild, Dec. 7-10, with exhibits open for viewing Dec. 9-10. This trade conference is sponsored by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS), educates design and construction professionals on how to improve our built environment.

Dec. 10: Second Annual Chesapeake Green Energy Conference (PDF link)

Thursday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland. Geared for business owners, the all-day event will feature info on MD energy audits, green business tools and practices, and cost-effective alternative sources of energy.

Cost: $25

Dec. 12: Create Your Own Green Holiday Decorations
Learn how to make your own decorations for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever you celebrate! The $5 fee covers all of your materials expenses.
Where: Greater Goods DC
When: 11 a.m.

Dec. 13: E-Cycling Event in Bethesda
Recycle your unwanted electronic items from 12-4 p.m. at Whitman High School, 7100 Whittier Blvd. Co-sponsored by the Montgomery County Division of Solid Waste Services and Bethesda Green. Last year, this event collected almost 100,000 pounds of e-waste. And it's free.

Dec. 15: DC EcoWomen Holiday Party
6-8 p .m at Farmers & Fishers on the Georgetown waterfront. Men welcome at this event! Join them for a happy hour and networking event, to mix and mingle with EcoWomen, friends and past EcoHour speakers. Enjoy some light hor'dourves and a cash bar. RSVP at the link above.

Dec. 17: Green Your Holiday
Join Greater Goods as they discuss ways to reduce your environmental impact this holiday season.
When: 8 p.m.
Where: Greater Goods DC