Sunday, July 4, 2010

How to Save Water and Keep Plants Happy During Water Restrictions

Here in Montgomery County and throughout the WSSC service area, most of us are trying to comply with the mandatory water restrictions as WSSC replaces part of a water main. They want us to cut water use by 30 percent; so far, customers used 5 percent less water on July 2 and 8 percent less water July 3. So there's a long way to go.

I'm not watering my garden, but today when I saw my dehumidifier needed to be emptied, I said, 'A-ha, I can use that water on my tomatoes and basil!' So I did. I also thought about putting a bucket in the shower to collect "gray water" to use on non-food plants.

I was feeling clever until I saw that WSSC has a huge list of "Tips on Keeping Your Plants Happy During Mandatory Restrictions." The advice includes collecting shower water as you're waiting for it to heat up, dumping cooking water in the garden (from pasta or veggies), using dehumidifier water, and even mulching your plants.

Plus, they have a reminder that native plants need less water, so in the future plant them and you won't have to worry.

WSSC also has this list of year-round Water Conservation Tips; just remember WSSC has banned outdoor water use until they lift the restrictions.

*Note*: For the latest water restriction updates, visit

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